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What is Anger Management?


Anger management is a process of learning to recognise signs that you’re becoming angry and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a productive way. It’s not about keeping you from being angry or holding it in but learning to manage it.


When does anger become a problem?…. Anger can be a useful emotion that triggers a physical reaction in the body which is called “fight or flight and it normally happens when we are stressed or threatened. Adrenaline is pumped around the body making you feel tense and ready to “fight” the treat or flee. Fighting or running away isn’t always an appropriate option that can make it difficult for us to express and that is when it develops in to anger and becomes a problem.


When you are not able to express your frustration / anger you maybe bottle it up which then causes outbursts at inappropriate times. It may also make you feel angrier in general and lead you to react more aggressively in daily situations.


If you don’t learn how to deal with your anger it can lead to physical and mental health issues. The way you express anger may be different from the way someone else expresses anger.

Unhelpful ways of express anger may include:

  • Outward aggression and violence expressed through shouting, hitting / throwing things or being threatening toward others.
  • Inward aggression expressed by self-harming, denying yourself basic needs and speaking badly about yourself.
  • Non-violent or passive aggression ways, not talking to people, doing things badly on purpose and being sarcastic.


Effects of anger can manifest in many ways, both physically and mentally. Here are some of the ways you might notice anger affecting you

  • Tightness in the chest
  • Tense muscles
  • Feeling hot
  • Shaking
  • Headaches
  • Feeling unable to relax
  • Dizziness
  • Irritable
  • Feeling of guilt


It can be helpful for you to note the way anger affects you so you can recognise your triggers. Gaining awareness of your triggers is the first step to managing your anger.


Why use Hypnotherapy for Anger?


Hypnotherapy can help those with anger management problems in many ways, the initial aim is reduce stress and the way you see the world around you. Helping you to not feel the “fight or flight” response in daily life working at an unconscious level helping change your negative thought process. This is done using relaxation technique and suggestions enabling your unconscious mind feel more in control, calmer and more relaxed which reduces anger.



Anger Management

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